How Can Your eCommerce Site Attract More Customers in 2021

While it’s definitely important to put efforts into retaining your existing customers and increasing brand loyalty, attracting new customers is essential for growing your eCommerce business. But how are you supposed to do that exactly? What marketing strategies should you employ?

In this post, we’re discussing 7 ways your eCommerce site can attract new customers in the upcoming year.

Image source: Pexels

1.  Know Your Customers

If you want to develop a successful customer acquisition strategy, the first thing you need to do is prepare. Study different eCommerce marketing strategies and market trends. Think about what your customers want and what’s the best way to reach them.

Developing buyer personas based on real data can be very helpful. These will enable you to tailor your marketing strategies and content, but also develop a better understanding of your customers’ needs and how to solve them.

Using the data that you have collected from your buyer personas, you’ll also be able to identify the social networks and other sites your target customers use and engage with. Once you have determined where your audience hangs out online, you will be able to create a specific marketing campaign for each social network.

2.  Use SEO

Ultimately, the success of your online store will depend on how well it can attract customers to purchase your products. That’s why ranking well in search engines is an absolute must. Without online visibility and organic traffic, it’s as if your online store doesn’t exist.

A big portion of this falls under search engine optimization. SEO encompasses a number of different tactics to improve your ranking and attract traffic from search engines.

However, increasing your site’s search visibility is quite a task as it builds slowly. It requires some effort and patience before it produces results, so you may want to consider hiring a company that specializes in SEO for eCommerce. Hiring the right expert will help you optimize your eCommerce website and induce some great ways to get traffic.

3.  Engage in Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is an excellent way to increase brand awareness, boost sales, and attract new customers. In fact, nearly 95% of marketers use this marketing tactic because it drives 11 times more ROI than other marketing channels.

Influencers are people with the power to impact people’s purchasing decisions. In general, they’re found on social media platforms and have highly engaged followers.

When deciding who is the right influencer for your eCommerce brand, target those who have a large enough following with solid engagement and a like-minded audience. Once you find the right influencer, work on developing a relationship first. Comment on their social media posts and blog post and share their content on your social media accounts. This will allow you to see if the influencer is the right fit and, ultimately, make them much more beneficial to your eCommerce business for the long haul.

4.  Ensure Good Customer Support

Never underestimate the influence of customer support. After all, there’s no better way to promote your business and products than happy customers.

Make sure to respond to your customers’ comments and queries as soon as possible because more than 40% of the shoppers say they will quit the transaction process if their queries are not addressed on time. You should also bear in mind that shoppers are more likely to share negative responses than positive ones. That is why it is absolutely necessary to make sure that your customer support team is always doing their best to help the customers.

5.  Run a Giveaway or Contest

Hosting a giveaway or contest is a very effective way to attract new customers. Competitions and giveaways are an excellent way to motivate your target audience to engage with your eCommerce brand, but also to build your email list.

Of course, competitions and giveaways by themselves aren’t enough to attract new customers. In fact, they’re just a starting point. Once the competition is done, you can segment the participants and create an email marketing campaign where you will be sending out personalized emails. In these emails, you can thank them for their participation, but also offer free shipping, a discount, or another incentive that might encourage them to browse your site and make a purchase.

Image source: Pexels

6.  Ensure Good Ratings and Reviews

Good brand reputation is an excellent way to motivate your site visitors to make a purchase, but you should also pay attention to your product reputation. Bear in mind that the majority of people use “external conscience” when making a purchasing decision. For example, they will give preference to an item that has twenty positive reviews rather than a product that has no reviews, even if they liked the latter one better.

For that reason, you need to encourage your happy customers to leave reviews or rate your products.

7.  Improve Your Product Pages

If site visitors are getting to your product pages but most of them leave without making a purchase, you need to focus on improving your product pages.

Start by making sure you use high-quality product images. Images sell products by helping customers to imagine what it would be like to own the product. Good photography shows the item in detail, it is consistent and, above all, inspirational.

Besides displaying high-quality product images, you should also add the most important and useful product details, such as price, product specifications, discount, and delivery.

Final Thoughts

The most effective way to generate new customers is to get them to your site, whether it is from influencer marketing, social media, or a giveaway. Once you have achieved a steady flow of traffic, you will need to focus on optimizing your e-store and ensuring that your products are popular in order to encourage visitors to make a purchase.

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