How to Change Safari Default Search Engine in Mac OS X

Safari is Apple’s native browser in Mac OS X. Everyone of us uses a search engine whenever we use internet. Safari browser uses less-known “DuckDuckGo” browser. The only good feature of this browser is that it is secure. But let’s face it: there is no match to search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing, and there are safe too. You can change default search engine in Safari to any one of your favorite search engine (mine is of course Google) by following the easy steps given below.

Change Default Search Engine in Safari

Launch Safari.

Go to Preferences.

Click on “Search” tab and you will see a drop down with “Search Engine” name. Here, you will find all the famous search engines. Just select the search engine you want as the default search engine in Safari Mac OS X.

That’s it. This was how to change default search engine in Safari in Mac OS X. If you face any problem in the process, share it in the comments.

Image: iGeeksBlog

MacSafariSearch Engine