How To Clear and Flush DNS Cache in iPhone, iPad

DNS is one of the most cardinal and important concepts in networking. All your internet traffic, requests and data goes through your DNS server. It is very important that you flush DNS because the DNS becomes cluttered and hashing goes messy as the time passes. It is also very useful to flush DNS because it increases the speed, some pages which use cookies won’t load if DNS is cluttered; so using clear DNS command or flushing DNS with any other method could help in this problem as well. Most of us access internet from our phones. That’s why, we will see how to flush DNS in iPhone or iPad in this article. You can use clear DNS cache command on phones pretty easily as there is always an option.

There are multiple methods to clear DNS cache in iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. Some are pretty easy and some are too technical and complex. We will stick to the easy ones. These methods work for all the iOS devices.

Flush DNS Cache in iPhone and iPad

Using Airplane mode

Too simple it may sound, but did you know that you could flush DNS in iPhone by just toggling ON and OFF the ‘Airplane Mode’. Yes, because the network reinstates itself, clear the DNS for new settings. You don’t need to use any flush DNS command. Just a toggle and everything done. Here’s how you can change/Toggle Airplane mode in iPhone, iPad.

Open Control Center from the up draw menu if you are using iOS 7. Airplane mode in iOS 8 can also be enabled by this method.

Now tap on the Airplane logo. The airplane mode will be turned on. Wait until the cellular signals go off as this is the sign of airplane mode. Now again, disable the airplane mode by tapping on the airplane logo once again.

The DNS cache will be flushed completely. You can check the DNS settings, speed to see if changes have taken effect.

Some websites have ‘persistent cache’ which are too sticky to be removed by this method. If you feel that flush DNS method by airplane mode didn’t work, there is another way to flush dns in iPhone and that is root out the DNS clutter for sure.

 Resetting Network Settings

The best way to flush DNS on iPhone, iPad or iPod is to reset the network settings. This would wipe off the saved internet connections, router hashes, all DNS cache and cookies. You will have to reboot your iPhone in this process and add connection again.

Launch ‘Settings’ in your iOS device.

Head over to the ‘General’ tab and then go to ‘Reset’.

Tab “Reset Network Settings” and confirm.


That’s all there is to it. You could clear and flush DNS by the above two fast working methods. Sometimes, the changes could take time to be in effect because the world servers and ISP may delay the relay information. If nothing works, shoot your concern in the comments and we will solve the problem.

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