How To Disable Windows Defender in Windows 8, Windows 7

Windows Defender is the native antivirus and security program of Microsoft which is pre-installed in Windows 8, Windows 7 and even the earlier versions of the Window platform. While the program is useful and strong protection against malware and viruses, it could become a nuisance sometimes. For instance, Windows Defender doesn’t allow a number of programs, websites on Windows platform because it thinks they are harmful. Disabling Windows Defender can sometimes become necessary. There are many apps and websites which don’t run when Windows Defender is running. Here’s how to disable Windows Defender in Windows 8, Windows 7.

Disable Windows Defender in Windows 7

Click on the Start button in Windows 7 top open the start menu.

Type Windows defender or just ‘ defender’ and the Windows Defender software file will be displayed.

Click Windows Defender.

Click on Tools from the main screen of Defender.

Now Click Options.

From the options pane showed on the left side, click ‘administrator’ option

Uncheck the box ‘use this program’.

System will alert you that you are about to disable Windows Defender. Click OK to proceed.

This is how to disable Windows Defender in Windows 7. You can enable Windows Defender by coming at the same place and checking the box ‘use this program’.

Disable Windows Defender in Windows 8

In order to disable Windows Defender in Windows 8, search ‘Windows Defender’ from the search option of Windows 8

Go to Windows Defender software and click on ‘Administrator’ by going to the ‘settings’ tab.

Uncheck the box ‘use this app’

That’s it.

 This was how to disable Windows Defender in Windows 8 and Windows 7. Make sure to enable some kind of security software or antivirus if you decide to disable Defender forever. Check out the best antivirus software for Windows.

