How to Fix HTC Desire 816 Microphone Not Working: Mic Problems in HTC

HTC Desire 816 is a decent phone which was launched a couple of years back. But several users of the phone are complaining that HTC desire 816 microphone is not working. The microphone occasionally works for some users. Because of the microphone problems, it is impossible to do voice and video recordings since it is not possible to have your voice as an input.  Users have also tried factory resetting the phone, but the issue persists. There are issues with the hardware of the phone, but sometimes, HTC Desire 816 microphone problems can also be fixed by doing some quick fixes.

Fix HTC Desire 816 Microphone Not Working: 3 Ways to Solve

1- Some users were able to fix HTC Desire 816 microphone problems by shifting to Wifi from mobile internet. Mobile internet somehow messes up the mic of the phone. This could happen because of the faulty internet connection which results in bottleneck of data packets. Whatever the reason may be, you should switch to a stable Wifi from mobile internet and then restart your phone. This will fix HTC 816 microphone not working problem.

2- Some users also report that they were able to fix HTC Desire 816 microphone issues by disabling the proximity sensor.

3- If the above-mentioned solutions don’t work for you, it means that the problem lies in the hardware of the phone. There are several mobile repair shops which you can use to get your HTC Desire 816 mic repaired, but I would suggest doing to a phone repair shop you trust. If your phone’s warranty is still valid, claim it.

fixHTCHTC DesireHTC Desire 816 mic not workingmicrophone not working