Out of necessity, some of us find the ‘Read Receipts’ and ‘Last Seen’ feature on WhatsApp having a bad taste in our mouths. We don’t like them because it sort of takes away your privacy and makes things feel always urgent. The urgency to reply, the urgency to comment.
That is we disable these features; and are perfectly fine not getting the ‘confirmation’ that our contact received the message, saw our WhatsApp Statuses updates, or see when they last came online.
But I should probably speak for myself, right? If you are not fine with not getting these ‘confirmations’ on your contacts’ WhatsApp activities, but at the same time don’t like it when it is you on the receiving end. Since it works as barter trade, you want to confirm on your end, only if you let others confirm on you as well.
It used to be you could use GB WhatsApp, a forked up version of the app, but it has since been banned. Alongside a temporary ban on the users themselves, so that is no longer an option. As it was an illegality ab initio.
The Unseen app to the rescue
To GB WhatsApp former users and users who don’t like the barter trade system on WhatsApp, what if I told you there is another way? A way in which you will not let your contacts know your ‘Last Seen’ or ‘Read Receipt’ but you can know theirs!
The Unseen app does exactly that without infringing on the WhatsApp copyrights, meaning there are minimum chances of getting banned like GB WhatsApp. And guess what it gives you the same feature not just on WhatsApp, but also Telegram, Facebook Messenger, and Viber as well.
Simply download the Unseen app from the Play Store, to your Android device. After installation, select the IM apps you would like Unseen to influence, and whenever you get a new message, on say WhatsApp, the app will intercept the message. Allowing you to read the message without activating the ‘confirmation’ features on WhatsApp like ‘Last Seen’ and ‘Read Receipts.’
That gives you the freedom to reply when you can by removing the urgency, while at the same time you still get to see the ‘Last Seen’ and ‘Read Receipt’ on your contacts. They will also be getting the same from you, but only when you want; the time you actually use the app to reply to their messages. Not when you used it to read the message; more like deferred ‘confirmation’ for your contacts.