One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to home education is that it’s all work and no play. Fortunately, this opinion is entirely incorrect. There is nothing quite like the work that goes into home education by parents whose children are being educated at home. It doesn’t have to mean endless workbooks and constant flashcards. Understanding this is so important if you hope to be able to keep your children educated and engaged at home.
You want to be sure that every single activity that you do with your children offers them something in return, and whether it’s exploring animal habitats for kids rather than just sitting at a desk, or is exploring the latest and greatest in mathematics, your child is going to be able to learn something entirely new and they won’t even realize it half the time. This is one of the most exciting things about home education; It’s for everybody, and most of the time the kids don’t even realize they are learning. With that in mind, we’ve got some of the ways that you can make your home schooling much more fun this year.
- Play far more games. So many parents lose sight of the fun they can have with home education purely because they have residual memories of their own education journey at school. Instead of worrying about your children not being able to learn, make games a thing that you do every single day. There are so many different educational games that can help with early literacy skills and verbal communication skills, children that can learn how to handle winning and losing, and even improving their critical thinking. If you introduce games during your school day, they can put all of those skills to the test and be far better and for healthier learners and adults as a result.
- Incorporate as much music as you can. Plenty of children prefer to learn with dancing and singing than any other method. If you incorporate singing and music within your lessons at home, you will find your children to be far more engaged and happier in their surroundings as a result. It doesn’t even have to be much, but you can encourage your children to learn more when you incorporate music. Plus, there is nothing that says let’s have fun then learning new dances or new songs. Children will appreciate that, even from a very young age, that you are trying to do what you can to make their education as fun and as engaging as you can.
- Get messy. With your kids at home, they have the opportunity to be as messy as they can possibly be which leads them to learn and be more engaged in that learning. Whether it’s going to an art gallery and then trying to mimic the paintings that they’ve seen back at home, or it’s talking to them about historical artists and what they have meant to the planet, getting messy with your kids is a great way to have fun when you are home educating.
- Get them signed up for language lessons. Using apps such as Duolingo, or even getting a tutor to help them to learn a second language is a great way to help your children to improve their learning and enhance their skills. They could learn Chinese or German, and you can even incorporate it by going to those countries and practicing first hand so that they can get their new language skills warmed up.
- Get crafty. Knitting, sewing and mending their own clothes are all great ways to ensure that your children are able to have fun with their learning. Lego is also a great way to help your children to get crafty, because they can learn to build and learn to follow instructions. There are plenty of open-ended play and learning opportunities available when you choose these methods to help your children to learn, so why not explore them and see which ones your children would like the most?
- Travel. A good way to have fun with home education is to travel and go on trips. You can pretty much have the freedom to travel wherever you want to in the world as long as you have the budget to back you up. When you home educate your children, you are not stuck under somebody else’s routines, which enables you to go out into the world and see it for what it is.