How to revert back to the old Twitter Design, if the New Design bores the hell out of you

So someone at Twitter decided to spruce up the social networking platform. While change is sometimes good, I am afraid this time round the kind of change Twitter made on its design doesn’t appeal to the masses.

Perhaps people might warm up to it few weeks or months down the line, but right now, it would be safe to say not everyone likes it. If you are of the same opinion; the new Twitter design sucks. Well, read further ahead on how to revert back to the old design.

There is a developer that goes by the name Zusor, who has built an extension – GoodTwitter – for the Chrome and Firebox desktop browser, which will revert Twitter to its old design. Being an extension, all you will need to do is install it, refresh your Twitter page and boom shakalaka, the old design is back.

The GoodTwitter extension has so far been downloaded over 35,000 times; for both Chrome and Firefox browsers. It has also created quite the conversation over at Reddit.

With the FaceApp saga, can you really install another random thing?

The dust on FaceApp has not settled (again), as people come to the realization that by using the app, they were giving away sensitive personal data. Most of us who used it (both two times) already feel stupid for being fooled twice.

And now there is this new extension that is promising to revert Twitter to its old design. Is it safe to use? That would be a legitimate question and an expected one! Well, to put your concerns to rest, the author of the extension has published the source code on GitHub. For Chrome here and for Firefox here.

So before you think about installing the extension, you can take a look at the source code and verify if it has a backdoor or hidden features that might compromise your online privacy and security.

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