Huawei’s 2018 Profits jumped 25% – riding on high Smartphones sales

The last couples of years, the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, has been rising up the ranks of the global smartphones market. It is fighting tooth and claws for the mantle of the world’s number two smartphone seller globally.

In 2018, the company posted net income of 59.3 billion yuan ($8.8 billion). That is according to a statement the company released on Friday. Huawei further said its revenue for 2018 jumped by almost 20% to 721-billion yuan.

The West Scrutinizing Huawei infrastructure

It is amazing that Huawei managed to pull off such growth given the level of campaign the West, particularly the United States has been staging against the company.

Despite all that, Huawei is on a winning streak, with customers warming up to its devices. And in the year 2019, stats whos the company is on an accelerated growth for January and February.

We will do everything we can to shake off outside distractions, improve management, and make progress towards our strategic goals,” said Guo Ping, of the three rotating chairmen of Huawei.

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