IGD to roll out newly-launched Africa Investment Rising Campaign

Africa Investment Rising is a communications and advocacy effort aimed at encouraging greater trade and investment in Africa by amplifying the voice of Africa’s private sector leaders and showcasing business and investment opportunities through multimedia storytelling and strategic traditional and social media outreach.

Campaign Roll Out Begins on Nov. 22

The Initiative for Global Development is thrilled to begin rolling out this month its newly-launched Africa Investment Rising campaign. This dynamic communications and advocacy campaign will reflect a new narrative of a thriving and vibrant African private sector and create awareness about the role of African companies in fueling job creation and sustainable and inclusive growth on the continent.

Beginning on Nov. 22, the campaign will feature a bimonthly series of video spotlights, blogs and podcasts from leading global investors and corporate leaders with operations in Africa.

If you would like to share your insight on trade and investment in Africa, have a success story to share, or are interested in exploring partnership opportunities, we would love to hear from you!

For more information, click here.

Africa Investment RisingIGD