Improve Battery Performance of Your iPhone using this Awesome App

 Improve Battery Performance of Your iPhone using this Awesome App

How to increase iPhone battery has always been a  hot question. It is quite annoying to find the battery of your smartphone nearly dead without even passing a day. It is fine if you have a large battery in your Android smartphones, but iPhone users might require charging their devices at least once or even twice a day sometimes.

The new iOS 8 will automatically identify the apps that are killing the battery and will close them. This functionality would work for all renowned battery consuming apps. However, if you want to find the battery performance of your smartphones as compared to some others around, then you need to use some kind of app to monitor the desired statistics.

The new iOS app called as “Normal” provides us the data about the functioning of our iPhone in terms of battery performance as compared to other users of the app. The app reflects the battery performance of your smartphone in comparison with some others. It will tell whether a particular app is consuming more battery in your device than on anyone else’s.

The app has been released by the pair of  Stanford’s Ph.D’s in Computer Science who decided to take their research and transform into a company.

The app costs just $0.99, and it is quite better than the normal battery monitoring features of iOS 8. It carries the ability to provide you the baseline of normal performance that makes it quite interesting. The app is quite useful considering its function for our iPhones.

Normal works on gathering battery consumption data from its users. When more people download the app, we will have data from a huge range of sources for comparison and the performance will be even better. The more the users, the better the chances to improve the performance of our smartphones.

You can easily download the app from the iTunes App Store from the link provided below. It is certain the your money will not be wasted when you purchase the app. You will certainly praise the amazing battery-management features of the app.

Download Normal app for iPhone


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