Forget about the Internet of Things, and think of Internet of Thoughts. You want to do research on socio-economic factors that propelled the agriculture revolution in Mesopotamia. All you do is sit down and deep in your mind dive through scholarly articles on web pages on the internet.
Instead of remembering something (cramming) you simply download that information from your cloud account. You want to talk to family or friend in a far distance, you won’t need Skype, Hangout, or Messenger video call. Simply dial them up in your brain, and they will receive the video call in their brain from wherever they at.
These will be all thanks to nanorobots, which could be positioned inside the human brain and transmit the information to and from the internet. Though it now sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, a team of scientists is claiming that in a few decades. They will be able to take the human race there.
The scientists propose the use of neural nanorobots that could be implanted into the human body and connect to the internet in real-time.
“These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier, and precisely auto-position themselves among, or even within brain cells,” explains Robert Freitas, Jr., a senior author of this research.
“They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction.”
In a nutshell, the brain will be able to connect to the internet as you see in the Matrix movie. You might even upload your entire brain content to the internet and then download it somewhere else.
There are obvious advantages to such technology. For one, someone able to connect his brain directly to the internet will have instantaneous access to all of the human knowledge available on the internet. Something that could significantly increase human learning capacities and levels of intelligence.
Socio-Economic ramifications
Currently, there are over seven billion people spread out across planet Earth. It goes without saying, that all these people don’t have the same access to economic and political power to be in the first line to receive such a technology.
For instance, should the technology be deployed first to folks in Southern Africa, the playing field in terms of the struggle of existence in the Darwinian fashion could be greatly skewed to their favor.
Folks in Southern Africa will be smarter, and quicker in developing intellectual innovation since their brains will be working on a super steroid. While folks in Northern Africa and the rest of the world who have yet to develop and/or adopt the technology will still be relying on their organic brain power. They will be easily out-paced (unfairly) by folks from the South.
The human race will be fragmented, and we will see the emergence of a super sub-species within our species. A species that is artificially too smart for the rest of the human kind to compete with. These are some of the social ethical concerns that arise from the proposition of such technologies.
On the flip side, there is no denying that a super-fast and super-efficient human brain able to access the internet at will, comes with great benefits. Such humans could rapidly develop inventions and innovations that will improve the survival of the human species.
It will be like instead of taking hundreds of years to discover penicillin, a human brain powered by the internet, could come up with such a discovery in a matter of a few hours if not minutes. Whatever tech solutions they come up with, that technology could be used for the betterment of the entire human race.