In Celebration Of World Computer Literacy Day CcHub Tutors 50 Students Programming

Come December 2nd, 2015, the world will be marking the World Computer Literacy Day; an international event not just celebrating the developments and achievements gained through the use of computers. It also calls for more to be done to increase computer literacy throughout the world and bridge the digital gap existing between the industrialized nations and developing countries.

In that spirit, Co-Creation Hub (CcHub), an incubator and accelerator based in Lagos, Nigeria has set out to expose 50 local secondary schools to the world of computers and programming. CcHub will be hosting these 50 students and exposing them to the possibilities that could be achieved through not just computer literacy but also more advanced computer usage involved in programming.

CcHub has partnered with Oracle, an internationally recognized developer and marketer of computer hardware systems and enterprise software products. The CcHub program will take students with little to no exposure to computer usage, and teach them computer programming.

The initiative will go a long way towards achieving digital inclusion and reducing the gap in the digital divide. The students also stand a benefit to not just to get enlightened about matters computers; they could potentially benefit socioeconomically should they take the skills they acquire further to develop software and computer hardware.

About CcHub

CcHub is a social enterprise whose mission is to bring computer programming stakeholders together to work collaboratively and bring the solutions to the socio-economic challenges facing its immediate community in Nigeria.

Co-Creation HubLagosNigeriaOracle AcademyWorld Computer Literacy Day