How influential is Social Media for Wardrobe Advice, Inspiration and the Latest Trends?
Technology is definitely a major influence in the world of fashion. Fashionistas now more than ever have access to what trends celebrities and every day people are wearing globally. Many people are now getting inspired through social media to duplicate specific styles or create their own looks. So much so that there are mobile apps developed solely for the purpose of showcasing the latest fashion trends.
Each app is contorted to fit your unique and individual style. Sharing and discovering articles of clothing from the savvy shopping on the go to the color coding consumer. Browsing through a few of the apps listed below is a basic guide to shopable items via your mobile devices.
Fab is a mobile app that derived from, a membership based shopping site that caters to every categorical fashion style and allows you to virtually create a look without stepping foot into a store. Its seamless integration provides the perfect shopping experience for fashion fanatics.
Stylish Girl is another app that gives you a virtual closet to organize outfits. By simply capturing and uploading pictures of your items be it clothes, handbags, shoes or accessories you can upload and preview what items go together without the hassle of taking items out piece by piece to only choose one thing and put the rest back.
Facebook is home to over 1 Billion users and with that knowledge companies are using it to attract millions of fans worldwide. It is now standard practice for businesses to advertise through their Facebook business accounts. They encourage the sharing and liking of items as a way of providing wardrobe advice. Discounts and previews are offered as an incentive to grow their customer base.
Pinterest inspires others to integrate the world of shopping into their everyday lives. For the culturally and the socially conscious there is a plethora of visuals, textures, colors, etc. to mix and match.
Fashionistas can keep track and get inspired via tweets and pictures posted on Instagram. Twitter recently announced that over 76% of their monthly active users visit the site through their mobile devices. As a result, they are expanding their marketing advances on mobile devices. Fashion can also be filtered by hash tags and shared by likes and with this companies have to adjust to what will provide the most awareness.
Image is everything and what you wear speaks to who you are. We are not all fashion designers and bloggers but we do get previews into the current and upcoming trends around the world. No matter your preference there are plenty of apps to locate in your play store and research can be done to find one or two that fits your fashion lifestyle. One thing is for sure you will always find what you are looking for!