Your Instagram Stories could soon start appearing as your WhatsApp Status Stories

It appears Facebook will be riding hard and fast on the feature it shamelessly copied from Snapchat. Despite the fact that it got the Stories idea from Snapchat, on Facebook’s multiple platforms, the feature has become a hit.

Now Facebook wants to synchronize the Status Stories users post on Facebook (app), Instagram, and WhatsApp. Already, statuses posted on Instagram do appear on the Facebook app. The company is taking thing a little farther and now wants Instagram Stories to appear on your WhatsApp Status Stories as well.

TechCrunch reports that Facebook is currently doing some dry runs on how to enable users’ posts as Instagram Stories appear across their WhatsApp Status Story. A spokesperson for Facebook told TechCrunch:

We are always testing ways to improve the experience on Instagram and make it easier to share any moment with the people who matter to you.”

It also appears that this new upcoming feature on WhatsApp is based on a code it integrated to enable it to cooperate with third-party apps. As it works out, when you post Stories on your Instagram account, you will get the option of also sharing the same Story to your WhatsApp Status. However, it appears the feature has not yet been thoroughly baked, as you still have to open WhatsApp and press sent for it to appear on your Status.

Be that as it may, there is no doubt that Instagram Stories is really popular with the masses. Stats show about 300 people posts their Stories on Instagram daily. By porting it to WhatsApp, Facebook hopes to spark more interest in the platform, which currently records an average of 250 million Statuses uploads per day.
