Introducing the Catolet; Flushable toilet for your Cat and small Dog

Owning a pet can be quite satisfying, they tend to give a type of companionship that sometimes is hard to get from our fellow human beings. Well, there is that long-running debate on whether dogs are more loyal than cats, but today, let us talk about their poop.

Unless you live out in the countryside on a big farm, pet poop is probably the one thing that sucks the most about owning these beautiful animal companions. That is why it is important to have yours toilet-trained. Otherwise, you will be suffocating in your living room by the stench coming from behind the couch, under the bed, and just about any corner that provides enough privacy to take a dunk.

If you got your cat or dog toilet-trained, that is a good thing as it will leave the mess in a specific place. Hopefully somewhere far enough from the living chambers of the house where people frequent the most. However, you still have to go and physically collect their mess and dispose of it the proper way.

Wouldn’t it be easier if your pet could just sit on the toilet, do your business, and then flash away? It certainly would, and a new Kickstarter campaign has made a new smart toilet for your small pets. Dubbed the Catolet, this smart toilet works as an automatic litter box for your cats and small dogs poop. It works without fillers; instead, the wastes get flashed down the house sewage line.

It is a bit like the human lavatory, in the sense that it is connected to your house’s water and sewage line. The Catolet comes with a kit and manual that gives you instructions on how to connect it to the water and sewage lines of your house.

How the Catolet works

It has a smart porous conveyor belt system that detects when your cat or small dogs is standing on it to take care of its business. Once your pet is through with its business, the urine will be passed through the belt, and solid waste conveyed through to the main basin once the smart inbuilt motion sensor detects the pet has already finished and moved away.

In the basin, the solid waste will be passed through a shredder and flashed into the sewage line. The belt will then be cleaned and returned to the start position, waiting for the next time your pets will come to relieve themselves.

The Catolet comes with a mobile app that allows you to customize your pet’s experience while using the smart pet toilet. In case there is a ‘situation’ when your attention is needed, the Catolet will send you a message via the app, letting you know that you need to examine what is going on, in the bathroom physically.

Tatana Bayramova, the brains behind the Catolet told Digital Trend: “There are many automatic trays on the market, but they have a number of problems; some of them require a filler, they are large in size, and usually of high cost. Together with cat breeders, we decided to create a tray without those pitfalls. Our target market are cats and small dogs owners who like technology devices and gadgets. We want to offer them a modern device that will help them in their pet caring routine.”
