Introducing WeLive, a Co-Living space born out of the Co-working Space Idea, WeWork

You may take these two words to be synonymous with each other, house and home. Well, a house is just a building. It can be a ridiculously-priced building like those you see on the MTV Cribs show. While a home is a building where the heart feels most welcomed, at peace, and acts as your getaway from all the hustle and bustle of life.

In that spirit, the founders of WeWork – a co-working space where people with similar interest come together and do their work – have now come up with WeLive. Through WeWork, they have realized the immense benefit of working together in the same environment where different people understand and complement each other.

They have decided; why should they limit enjoying such a positive and impactful environment to just when they are only working? Why can’t they enjoy the same atmosphere outside the time they are sitting down to do some work?

Thus, the idea of WeLive was born as an extension of the creative environment they experienced while working together into their lives outside work matters. WeLive is a co-living space where people live together as a community and in harmony.

In an email sent to Innov8tiv, the WeWork team says: “From witnessing six years of WeWork’s evolution, we’ve learned how much stronger and happier we are when we’re together. To progress our movement, we’ve created an extension of the WeWork community that supports passion, friendship, and kindness at home. As the ones leading this movement, we invite WeWork members to be the first to redefine how we live.

We’re all pioneers of the ‘We’ generation. Community and meaningful relationships mean more to us than physical space or material possessions. We crave new and exciting experiences with people who share the same passion for life and acceptance of each other. The idea is that we never have to be alone anymore, unless, or course, we want to be.

WeLive units are ready with everything you need for living. Just pack a suitcase, bring your bicycle, and move in. Everything – from furniture, towels, linens, silverware, internet, and HDTV, all the way down to your toothbrush – waiting for you. Members can grab a drink in the mailroom, play ping-pong while their laundry dries, or enjoy a potluck dinner in our chef’s kitchen. Whether you decide to stay with us for a day, a week, a month, or a year, our team will make you feel at home.”

New YorkUSAWashington DCWeLiveWeWork