JKUAT Tech Expo 2014 – December 4th – 5th

JKUAT Tech Expo 2014 – December 4th – 5th

The Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) is set to hold the JKUAT Tech Expo 2014 aimed at showcasing students’ creativity and innovation. The event also nurtures young innovators and develops the society at large.

The JKUAT Tech Expo 2014 promises to be bigger and better than before. This year’s expo will be focusing on specific innovation fields, with all the projects submitted having been customized to the needs of the end user. This year’s event is expected to attract more than 200 projects. Out of the 200, 50 projects will be selected under the following categories: Health, Education, Renewable Energy, Agriculture, Food Security, Security, Water Management, Waste Management, Financial Inclusion, Social/Communication and Transport.

Only the projects that have been registered on the JKUAT Tech Expo site shall be considered for nomination. Out of the 50 projects selected, 10 projects will be shortlisted further based on the judges’ deliberation.

The 10 shortlisted projects will be given the opportunity to pitch before the final panel of judges, on day 2 of the event. The winning project shall be selected from the final 10 shortlisted projects. The tech expo is intended to ensure that students graduating from JKUAT, do not just earn their certificates, but also they become innovators in their own rights.

The event was scheduled to take place on Nov. 6th – 7th as we earlier wrote, but due to unavoidable circumstance the event has been pushed forward to Dec. 4th-5th. The details of these new developments leading to rescheduling of the event can be found at this link.

For more details on the JKUAT Tech Expo 2014, follow this link.

About JKUAT Tech Expo

The JKUAT Tech Expo idea came about back in 2009, during a JKUAT Linux Users Group (JLUG) session. One, Calvin Kebati spearheaded the idea  facing a number of challenges in trying to get the expo to kick off. Up to until 2010 when the expo had its big break and held its first ever Tech Expo at the university.