JUA ENERGY Launches online in Kenya

JUA ENERGY Launches online in Kenya

Promises alternative energy solutions

JUA ENERGY a rapidly growing company that designs and manufactures solar-powered systems and technological electronic accessories for consumers who lack access to electricity has soft-launched in Kenya.

The  company founded in 2012 has chosen to launch virtually on Jumia, Kenya’s leading online mall opening itself to debut a tight range of powerbanks, solar lights, headphones and Bluetooth speakers targeting both rural, urban, low, middle and high-end markets.

We chose Jumia as a launch pad since we believe they have what it takes to set the trends for brands entering in Kenya. Customers can now purchase from the JUA ENERGY Shop on Jumia that is open 24/7. This is a soft launch, we have more devices in the pipeline.”

Kenya makes to four the number of countries the company has penetrated, others include Nigeria, Ethiopia and India. According to Hill, the company has its eyes fixed on Africa with a commitment to deliver alternative energy source with strong focus in the area of renewable energy. He is confident the company will greatly contribute to the African economic reformation and growth.

The launch comes in the wake of international brands including Infinix, Innjoo and Microsoft that recently launched on Jumia to ensure their customers can get products they order online delivered to their home or office everywhere in Kenya, have the option to pay cash on delivery and  a free return and exchange policy of 7 days that Jumia offers.

Africa Internet Groupecommercegreen techJUA EnergyJumiaJumia Kenyasolar energy