Jumia Côte d’Ivoire: 2 Years of Existence and a Record Performance

Jumia celebrates record performances in Côte d’Ivoire

It was in June 2013 that JUMIA revolutionized retail in Côte d’Ivoire by launching the first innovative e-commerce platform of the Country. JUMIA took the bold gamble to make Ivorian consumers adopt online shopping. Two years later, the young company is reaping the rewards of hard work and persistent innovations. JUMIA’s second anniversary was marked by beautiful memories provided to the population of Abidjan through an epic road-show.

From the outset the aim was clear: become the first shopping destination in Côte d’Ivoire, by offering consumers a wide range of products at very competitive prices and under the same conditions, regardless of geographical location. After only two years, the statistics have reinforced the company’s vision. Indeed, JUMIA’s success can be seen throughout its exponential growth. It has convinced tens of thousands of customers across the country and built trusting relationships.

June 2014 – June 2015, flashback:

2: is the number of new mobile phone brands introduced exclusively by JUMIA in Côte d’Ivoire between June 2014 and June 2015. By introducing Infinix and Innjoo, two brands which offer mobile devices at the forefront of technology at affordable prices, JUMIA promotes digital inclusion in a country where 97.63% of Internet users access the internet via 3G technology (Ministry of Post and Information and Communication Technology).

8: is the number of hubs opened in the big cities of Côte d’Ivoire. JUMIA is expanding its reach to better satisfy a customer base that grows exponentially in the hinterland.

50,000: that’s the number of articles that make up the constantly increasing assortment which forced JUMIA to acquire a second bigger warehouse in May 2015.

Monday, May 18: UNIWAX, embraced e-commerce, the brand launched its new collection in preview on JUMIA. The first Shop in Shop dedicated to the WAX African fabric was born.

35O: that’s the number of employees at JUMIA Côte d’Ivoire. They were 12 in June 2013, 100 in July 2014.

500,000: that’s the number of different people who visit the website monthly, making JUMIA the largest mall in Côte d’Ivoire.

Wednesday, June 3rd 2015, JUMIA Côte d’Ivoire doubled its record for daily orders by recording more than 2,500 orders.

More than 8000: is the incredible number of phones sold in one week during the Mobile-Week.

Monday, June 22nd, the Minister of Post and Information and Communication Technology, Mr. Bruno KONE congratulates the e-tailer for the amazing work accomplished, during a visit to the company premises.


Celebrations that took over the city of Abidjan

Hundreds of people came out on Friday, July 3rd to celebrate JUMIA Côte d’Ivoire’s second anniversary. With its merry parade, JUMIA crossed the municipalities of Treichville, Koumasi, Cocody and Yopougon, marking stops, to offer breathtaking choreographies on the most popular rhythms to the improvised publics. The highlight of the day was certainly the appearance of the new face of JUMIA. In the middle of Arras, a house block in Treichville, Serge Beynaud and his dancers have served an outstanding performance to a completely euphoric crowd. The JUMIA party ended at 6pm in Cocody, definitely making this day an unforgettable memory for the inhabitants of the four municipalities visited. JUMIA shared these cheerful moments in a video uploaded on its Youtube channel (watch here).

As the closing act, the e-etailer will join a women’s association on Friday, July 31st 2015, to donate more than 300 items to vulnerable and disadvantaged women in the neighborhood of Abobo Akekoi, a suburb of Abidjan.

Africa Internet GroupCôte d’IvoireecommerceJumiaJumia Côte d’Ivoire