iOS and Android mobile OS have been around for a very long time (matters smartphones considered), and for as long as they’ve been around. There is one question no one ever seems to answer all the way correctly. Is an Android phone better than an iPhone, or is it the other way around.
There is a new Kickstarter campaign that is going to save you from having to take sides in the iOS vs. Android debate. Up to now, the only option you had was to carry around at least two phones, an iPhone and any of the multiple variants of Android smartphones in the market.
Now, carrying two phones to some might seem too big of a burden. And the Eye Smart iPhone Case has a workaround that burden. It has taken an Android phone, modeled it into an iPhone case. That way, you have an Android phone housing your iPhone, and the two phones are working at the same time giving you a two-in-one smartphone made up of the two worlds.
The Kickstarter campaign has less than 32 days to go, and they have already exceeded their initial target of $95,000, with more than 865 backers. The Eye Smart iPhone Case is actually an Android smartphone with the following specs:
5-Inch AMOLED display, 2800mAh battery, microSD card slot, multiple SIM card slots and runs Android 7.1 Nougat. Your iPhone will plug into the case like it would with any Mophie iPhone case. The Android phone will use your iPhone speakers, microphone, and camera; even when connecting to the internet; your iPhone’s connection will apparently be used to connect it.