List of African Countries with the Fastest to the Slowest Internet Connections 2019 [Mobile & Fixed Broadband]

There are a few revolutions in the history of the world that have elevated humans as a species a step higher towards a significantly improved the socio-economic and political standing. And digital technology revolution is right up there alongside the invention of fire, agriculture, the wheel, internal combustion engines, and the industrial revolution.

As a continent, Africa is as much a participant in the digital technology revolution, with businesses, education, and communication increasingly taking place via infrastructures born out of this revolution. There are numerous tech hubs, software and hardware engineers sprouting up across the continent. Just as much as there are various institutions across both public and private sectors that are increasingly leveraging on digital technology to scale their operations.

So today, in this article I endeavoured to list down the list of African countries with the fastest to the slowest internet connections. Looking at both mobile and fixed-broadband connections separately.

African countries with the Fastest to Slowest Mobile Internet Connections


Country Speed (Mbps) Country Speed (Mbps)
1. Mali 33.21 15. Zambia 14.01
2. South Africa 30.34 16. Namibia 13.43
3. Morocco 26.74 17. Ghana 13.38
4. Tunisia 23.98 18. Uganda 13.19
5. Mauritius 21.52 19. Cameroon 12.75
6. Senegal 21 20. Equatorial Guinea 11.88
7. Angola 20.8 21. Tanzania 11.72
8. Cote d’Ivoire 20.28 22. Sudan 10.77
9. Egypt 17.37 23. Libya 10.41
10. Mozambique 17.16 24. Cape Verde 10.36
11. Kenya 15.88 25. Somalia 9.09
12. Ethiopia 15.84 26. Rwanda 9.08
13. Nigeria 15.79 27. Burkina Faso 8.34
14. Zimbabwe 14.74 28. Algeria 7.23


Based on the above data, the average speed for mobile internet connection across the above-named countries in Africa is 16.08 Mbps

African countries with the Fastest to Slowest Fixed Broadband Internet Connections


Country Speed (Mbps) Country Speed (Mbps)
1. Madagascar 32.07 20. Rwanda 12.62
2. Cape Verde 27.53 21. Zimbabwe 12.18
3. Seychelles 26.76 22. Nigeria 11.17
4. Ghana 23.98 23. Somalia 11.14
5. South Africa 23.17 24. Mali 10.99
6. Gabon 21.87 25. Swaziland 10.9
7. Liberia 21.34 26. Libya 10.09
8. Togo 20.14 27. Sierra Leone 9.28
9. Mauritius 19.24 28. Tunisia 9.16
10. Senegal 18.65 29. Egypt 9.1
11. Niger 18.33 30. Djibouti 9
12. Morocco 17.07 31. Gambia 8.69
13. Uganda 16.01 32. Equatorial Guinea 8.64
14. Kenya 15.05 33. Cameroon 8.56
15. Cote d’Ivoire 14.78 34. Malawi 8.22
16. Ethiopia 14.13 35. Burundi 7.78
17. Zambia 13.86 36. Mozambique 6.17
18. Namibia 13.35 37. Sudan 6.09
19. Tanzania 12.95 38. Mauritania 5.27


Based on the above data, the average speed for fixed-broadband internet connection across the above-named countries in Africa is 14.35 Mbps. Thus, the speeds of mobile internet connection on the continent exceed that of fixed-broadband internet connection by about 1.73 Mbps.

Countries with Greatest Deviance between Mobile and Fixed-Broadband Internet connection speeds

The following are the African countries where you are likely to experience significantly great differences in speeds between Mobile internet connection and Fixed-Broadband internet connects.

PS – Blue represents Mobile Connection Speeds while Red represents Fixed Mobile Connection Speeds

Countries with Least Deviance between Mobile and Fixed-Broadband Internet connection speeds

These are the African countries where you are likely to experience the least difference between mobile and fixed-broadband internet connections speeds.

PS – Blue represents Mobile Internet Connections Speeds and Red represents Fixed-Broadband Internet Connections Speeds.

This data was sourced from SpeedTest.Net’s July 2019 report. SpeedTest is a popular online tool used about ten million unique users worldwide to measure the speed of their internet connections. Since its launch in 2006, SpeedTest has conducted over 25 billion tests for users across the globe.

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