Men Who Take Selfies May Be Psychopaths, Study Claims

Men Who Take Selfies May Be Psychopaths, Study Claims

Men who keep snapping and sharing selfies online are likely to represent psychopathic behavior. This result has been found by researchers after conducting a deep study for finding the relationship between addiction of taking selfies and certain personality traits.

The research project about Selfies was conducted by Ohio State University Communication Professor Jesse Fox, who also found that men, who edit their selfies before uploading online, show even higher degree of self-objectification.

It goes beyond doubt that men who post plenty of selfies and take a lot of time editing them, show psychopathic behavior. This fact has been proved in the research study now. The more interesting finding of research is that such kind of men tends to score higher on anti-social personality trait, and tend to show self-objectification to a higher degree.

The famous research study involved surveying 800 men between 18 and 40 years of age about their habits related to posting photos on social media. The subjects were also questioned about anti-social behaviors and self-objectification. The results reveal that men who post more selfies are likely to show narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies. The former feature means you are smarter than others but have insecurities about it, while the latter suggests that you have lack of empathy towards others and also carry the tendency to be impulsive.

When men post selfies on social media forums, they expect others to praise them. When they get good comments, their narcissistic approach becomes more prominent and they will post more photos.
