Microsoft Edge Browser VS Google Chrome: Edge Will Replace Google Chrome as The Best Browser for Mobile and PC

Last week, Microsoft launched a nearly complete version of its new “Edge” browser, a new browser by the Redmond giant after it finally annoucned to shut down uselss Internet Explorer. Edge was initially named as “Project Spartan”. A version of Spartan was also launched for testing purposes, but it had not the same seamlessness and swift features like that of Edge. A number of expert users have tested Microsoft edge and they find it safe to assume that Microsoft Edge could be the Google Chrome killer. Google Chrome has been the only juggernaut in the browser market. Despite of all extravagant marvels of the modern technology, we are yet to see a good browser- a browser that is fast, eats less memory and opens pages quickly, and most importantly, doesn’t lag.

Great and Fluid Page Scrolling 

Microsoft Edge beats Chrome in many levels. It has great and fluid scrolling of pages experience. It offers a great dark theme which you can change anytime. The scrolling experience is truly prodigious and awe-inspiring. This is, in my opinion, the apt manifestation of the confounding performance of Microsoft’s Universal app concept adapted in Windows 10.

Merging of different Interfaces 

The confluence of different interfaces like tablet, mobile is seamless. If you are using a convertible computer, Edge won’t make you feel at odd.

Page Load Times and Rendering 

The page load time and rendering process is also colossal. There are no page load glitches. Edge browser was tested on hundreds of tabs and it works just fine. Unlike Chrome and especially Firefox, Edge doesn’t lag and the speed of page loads is not depleted.

Doesn’t Eat Memory like Chrome

Edge won’t slow down, even if you stream video with quality 1080p or 4K. It doesn’t eat battery or RAM. Chrome and Firefox are notorious and infamous for eating systems’ memory and draining out batteries.

Useful Features and Interface 

For readers, students and avid note takers, there are a lot of features in Edge. It has a distraction free writing and web note annotation feature.

The simple design and fluid interface of the Edge browser is my favorite. Search bar is embedded with Edge in a nice fashion; you can search different items on the side without interrupting your current browsing activity. Cortana search bar is also enabled on the right side and you can interact with the virtual assistant to glean information about anything.

A Few Improvements Required 

There are a few hitches and snags in the Edge browser. When you open too many tabs and then choose to open one tab in a new windows, some lags occur. Also, there is are no extension for Edge up till now. Without extensions, these days, browsing experience is close to nothing. But as Edge hasn’t yet gone public, the extensions are not released for it.

In the hindsight, we can recapitulate that Edge is going to be the next Goliath browser which will be the magnate not only for PCs, but for mobile. Firefox is almost out of the race; and unless Google Chrome doesn’t do anything about its memory hog algorithm and stutters with too many tabs, it will be killed by Microsoft Edge.

browserchromeedgeFirefoxMicrosoftWindows 10