Microsoft Editor launches to counter Grammarly on Editorial Suggestions

Writing is not as easy as talking, there is an art and formulae to the former, while with the latter, you can get away with pretty much anything. The readers of a writer can be more critical, while the audience of a speaker is often more forgiving.

That is why in the 21st century, a lot of writers have turned to technology to speed up things while churning out well-articulated write-ups. On that front, Grammarly has been a market leader when it comes to editorial suggestions.

Well, that market leadership is about to be tested following the release of Microsoft Editor by the tech behemoth Microsoft. The Microsoft Editor works in pretty much the same way as Grammarly and comes baked into its Office Suite, as well as an extension on both the Chrome and Edge browser.

Speaking of office suite, Office 365 was today renamed to Microsoft 365, as part of a new raft of changes by the company which includes the Microsoft Editor.


Grammarly now available on Microsoft Word on Mac

And in other news, while Microsoft is busy trying to eat into Grammarly market space. Grammarly is also busy trying to extend and safeguard its market space. The company today announced the release of the Grammarly plugin for the Microsoft Word on macOS.

Although Grammarly has been around the block for quite an extended period, it has yet to avail its services on the Microsoft Word app for macOS. Users have had to make do with downloading the standalone version of the app for Mac, or use the browser extension, which comes with quite some limitation.

The release of Grammarly for Word on Mac comes with a sigh of relief for writers who predominantly use Mac computers to do their writing. Previously, they would be forced to write on Mac, but do their editing on a Windows PC, if they want to enjoy the full power of Microsoft Word, word processing in conjunction with Grammarly.

At least now that headache has been removed with the availability of Grammarly on Word for Mac.

GrammarlyMicrosoftMicrosoft EditorWindows