Microsoft4Afrika: Microsoft Plans to Reach the Internet Starving Remote Areas with Simple TV Technology

Microsoft4Afrika: Microsoft Plans to Reach the Internet Starving Remote Areas with Simple TV Technology

If you wander in the era of digital world, there are areas over world map which are still unreached with the internet services. Google has taken a revolutionary action to get internet for these areas. In the coming days, Google will spend between $1 billion and $3 billion to pave the way for about 180 satellites in space. With these satellites, Google will make an internet shaft to make these areas a part of world’s global network. The news has been reported by Wall Street Journal. Apart from this, Google is also engaged to bring some other high-tech internet solutions which include the drones hanging and revolving around to transmit wireless internet signals. Similarly there is an astonishing attempt of balloon powered wireless internet signals. Facebook also roams to bring the high altitude solar powered drones for internet supply to remote areas.

There is one other method existing which sounds to be pretty much simple and effective. This method is aimed to spread connectivity through Television white space. As you know, TV uses the electromagnetic spectrum to project programs. Each TV channel is differentiated by assigning a particular piece of spectrum. These spectrums are set and run by the government. These spectrums do not overlap each other as they are maintained at a particular distance with one another. To fulfill the aggressive need of wireless technologies, governement regulators are seeking to find an unused slit of spectrum to prod new conceptions and designs.

Microsoft has adopted this technology to bring internet to remote areas. Microsft’s 4Afrika, which was introduced last year, focuses to bring wireless internet exclusively in Africa. The seems to be less convulsive if we have a look programs developed by Google and Facebook, but Microsoft has taken an intelligent decision by choosing Africa as its starting prospective. As Africa deficits in internet access pathetically and such step can develop a high latent change which can solve a larger part of the issue.

Yet the simpler is better! The idea seems to be less exciting against the fascinating impression created by drones, balloons and satellites, but this one is the leading part of African countries which are running successfully with admirable results.

The attempts being made seems promising to accelerate technology that can comply with all the lacking parts of the world.

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