MindSpeak Software Announces Document Writer Updated Version 4.3

MindSpeak Software Announces Document Writer Updated Version 4.3


Document Writer – Best word processing app aims to bring a superior content writing and File management experience for iPhone and iPad users.

MindSpeak Software, the leader in mobile consumer apps, released an update of its Document Writer, the Document Writer 4.3 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. The app is the latest in a series of innovative products introduced to the Apple users by MindSpeak Software.

The current updated version of Document Writer 4.3 features:

  1. PDF Annotations, Drawing Studio, Fill-out PDF Forms
  2. Fax documents from within the app
  3. Sign & Send Documents from your iPhone or iPad
  4. Integration with Box.net
  5. Customizable Look & Feel.
  6. Fixed the app launch issue reported by iOS 5.1 users.

Irfan Farooqi, VP. Corporate Strategy and Marketing for MindSpeak Software said, “Everyone uses the iPhone apps for utility. It is focused on these utility apps. The use of these apps is beneficial as they offer quantity of their everyday tasks. These apps include apps for editing photographs health and fitness apps like calorie counter.

 The iPhone apps are beneficial for individuals who travel to various places around the globe and require getting directions or other information in translated language. Thus, utility apps have actual benefits for all age groups. Our next generation of mobile business apps aims to take the burden of content management off from the users by creating amazingly simple mobile interfaces for our customers. ”

About Document Writer

Document Writer is a Word Processor and Reader for Microsoft Office developed by MindSpeak Software. It is the best document editing and management suite for iPhone and iPad users. Users can accomplish the following by using Document Writer:

  1. Create, and Edit Rich Text Documents on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Create and Edit Spreadsheets.
  3. Scan documents and convert them to PDF.
  4. Create Hand-written notes and Drawings.
  5. Annotate PDF Documents, Fill out PDF Forms, Signs & Send Documents.
  6. Create Voice Memos.
  7. FAX Documents.
  8. Transfer files to or from your PC or Mac wirelessly or through USB.
  9. It works Offline or Online, enabling you to work on your document even without internet connection.
  10. You can send your documents as Email Attachments.
  11. You can synch your documents with: DropBox, Google Drive, Box, Sky Drive or SugarSync.
  12. You can view Word and Excel files from Office 2007/2008/2010.
  13. You can also view PowerPoint, PDF, iWork, Text, .RTF and more!
  14. Open and Edit files created through this app from any 3rd party app that supports the “Open In” feature.
  15. Create or Download Documents from anywhere and carry it with you wherever you go.
  16. Free Customer Support including 100% satisfaction guarantee and premium customer support available through email, free of cost from within the app.

To download this app, go to iTunes App Store by following this link. You can also view more details about the app, as well as customers’ reviews from the App Store.

About MindSpeak Software

MindSpeak Software is a software development, and IT consulting firm dedicated to helping customers effectively execute, manage and support their Product Lifecycle Management, Engineering Services and Enterprise Applications. Their consultants have delivered winning integration solutions for Telecommunication, Energy and Semiconductor industries in US, Europe and Middle East.

Document WriteriOSappsMindSpeak SoftwareMS Office