“That Movie With”: Find All Movies by Searching with Names of Any Two Actors

 “That Movie With”: Find All Movies by Searching with Names of Any Two Actors

The experience of watching movies has evolved considerably from the times when people used to watch movies solely on TV. Movies are now everywhere, you can watch them on the go on your phones, services like Hulu and Netflix to satisfy their eager for watching their favorite actors in action. You may desire to watch movies from your childhood when you only remembered the name of actors and not the name of the movies. “That Movie With” is a wonderful iOS app that allows you to search movies of your favorite actors. You can search for all the movies in which the couple of your mentioned actors have worked.

The app only requires an internet connection to work with. You just need to tap the home screen and mention the first actor that you remember. With more than one actor of same first name, the app will show them all in the form of a list. You may select your desired actor by recognizing him/her from the picture shown against the names. Once you have selected the first actor, you need to tap the bottom half of the screen where it shows “AND” in big letters and then select the next one.


Search for the second actor in pair and tap to select. Now swipe left to see all the movies with those actors contained in them. The year of release is also added to the results of the movies. If you select a movie, you will be taken to its IMDB page.

This is the simple function of this app. It carries minimalistic interface. There are genres defined to refine your search. You can add some hint of movies also when you only remember name of only one actor.

Install That Movie With for iOS

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