Mozilla Browser Has New Update, Firefox Containers, For Your Online Split Personalies

Let’s all admit it! We have split personality. I don’t mean you have a mental condition needing psychiatric help. I mean we all behave differently in different situations. Take, for instance; your personality tends to be different when you are with your boss and when you are with your workmates. You are not also the same person around your friends compared to when you are around your spouse.

Your Online Presence with Split Personality

The same goes for our online personality. Looking at our social media presence, some of us have Facebook accounts for work and another one for family and friends. The same can be said about Twitter, Email, among other online platforms.

Mozilla has rolled out an update to its Firefox browser the Firefox Containers. They enable you to split your online accounts into different containers within the same web session. Thus, you get to run your different split personalities simultaneously within the same web session. In simple terms, you can open your various Facebook accounts; both personal and for work at the same time. Now you can portray your different characteristics in different situations.

How to use Firefox Containers

When you are using, say your Facebook work account, and you would like to open your private Facebook account. Previously you would have to open a different alternative browser, and switch in between the browser Windows.

With Firefox Containers, just open the File Menu, select New Container Tab where you can choose between options of Personal, Work, Shopping, and Banking options. Each Container has its separate cookie jar, and whenever you switch to a new one, you delete all the traces from the previous sites you have been visiting from the earlier container.Mozilla Browser Has New Update, Firefox Containers, For Your Online Split Personality

As it works out, you get a higher level of security and privacy in as far as being targeted based on your previous browsing history is concerned. This idea of contextual identity is not exactly a new thing. It has been around for a while now, but the main challenge was figuring out how best to execute it while at the same time ensuring good user experience.

As you know, developers use your history to come up with data on user experience from which, they can then implement some tweaks on their products to improve your experience. All in all, this was a much-needed feature, user experience data put aside.
