Nairobi Tech Week set to take place in April hosted by Moringa School

Moringa School, one of the leading coding academy in Kenya will be the host of this year’s Nairobi Tech Week set to be held next month.

The Nairobi Tech Week conference will bring together all stakeholders in the tech ecosystem under one roof to spark learning and conversations delving in areas related to technology. The three-day event will take place at Strathmore University from April 19-21.

The event co-sponsored by Microsoft and Nairobi Tech Week will be a three-day event with a panel discussion, workshops, and hackathons. The event will for the first time host an award show that will recognize companies with the greatest social-economic impact within the Silicon Savannah.

Our aim is to launch a community-driven tech event focused on developers, thought leaders within the tech space as well as the best innovations in sub-Saharan Africa,” said Sandra Mukidza, the main event organizer.

The event will also attract major stakeholders in the Kenyan tech space including M-Power, iHub, Swahili Box, Africa’s Talking, CBO, and AngelHack.

To get nominated to participate in the competition, click here. To get a ticket to attend the event, click here.

Africa’s TalkingCBOiHubM-PowerMoringaNairobi Tech WeekSwahili Box