New TSA Regulations: Charge Your Phone Before Going To The Airport

New TSA Regulations: Charge Your Phone Before Going To The Airport

The airport security has always been high and very thorough. TSA have taken it a notch higher by demanding that travellers must ensure that their electronic devices are charged and can power upon demand by the TSA agents.

So the next time you will be standing at the security line at the airport, the airport security agent will have more reasons to deny you pass other than the usual reasons like water in a bottle or a pair of scissors being found in your luggage. Now if your electronic device fails to power up, upon the TSA agent demand. You will be asked to get rid of it or forfeit your flight.

This comes after an announcement published by TSA that states, all passengers boarding flights to the United States from “certain overseas airports” will be required to prove that all of the electronic devices they have brought with them can actually power up. The TSA’s announcement read:

Last week, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson directed TSA to implement enhanced security measures at certain overseas airports with direct flights to the United States.

As the travelling public knows, all electronic devices are screened by security officers. During the security examination, officers may also ask that owners power up some devices, including cell phones. Powerless devices will not be permitted onboard the aircraft. The traveller may also undergo additional screening.

TSA will continue to adjust security measures to ensure that travellers are guaranteed the highest levels of aviation security conducted as conveniently as possible.

It is clearly evident that TSA is being intentionally lights on the details but according to a publication by NBC News. The new security measure comes after new security intelligence indicates a developing security threat targeting the United States, and has made the TSA on high alert on possibilities of passengers using their laptop, tablet or cell phone to hide explosives.

But one question in many people’s minds is: should a traveller forget to carry his/her device’s charger, will the TSA provide a back-up charger to test the device? The new TSA development will now make forgetting your charger at home while travelling even more annoying.

Airport SecurityHomeland SecuritySecurity IntelligenceTSAUSA