Nigeria Receives A New E-Government Master Plan Developed By South Korea

Nigeria Receives A New E-Government Master Plan Developed By South Korea

The Government of South Korea through the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has set up policies in Nigeria to improve the West African nation’s e-Government network. KOICA has been in Nigeria since 2014 to 2018 doing capacity building preparation in Nigeria in readiness for the e-Government system valued at $8.56 million.

The e-Government system aims at delivering better public sector service and governance, in addition to incorporating South Korea’s advanced experience and expertise in e-Government and ICT. According to the UN Government Index (UNEGDI), South Korea was ranked 1st place for three years (2010, 2012 and 2014) as the leading country in terms of good governance and public sector service. On the other hand, Nigeria came in at position 141 out of a total of 193 countries on the same ranking.

KOICA delivered the Master Plan for the e-Government delivered to the Nigerian Government representative during a handing over event held last Tuesday in Abuja. The event was attended by the Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Communication Technology (FMCT) minister and secretariat, KOICA Chief Resident Representative, Mr. Jun Sang Hoon and Ambassador of the Republic of Korea H.E. Kyu Duk Noh.

The Master Plan includes a proposal touching on the following projects: Nigeria e-Government Vision 20: 2020 having 5 policies, 10 strategies and 23 initiatives that would aid in completing the set objectives. The Plan also includes specific demands, problem analysis and diagnosis currently crippling Nigeria’s e-Government installation.

For more details on this, follow this link.

e-GovernmentGovernanceKOICANigeriaSouth Korea