Oh damn! Microsoft’s Windows Updates is breaking PCs with the following Antivirus programs

Windows, huh! We hate to love it so much and on April 9 Microsoft issued one of those headache Windows Updates.

This time, the update is breaking PCs running certain antivirus programs. The systems that are most affected are Windows 8.1, 7, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, and Server 2012 R2. Interestingly, Windows 10 users have not reported any problem.

Could it then be that Microsoft is subtle arm twisting users to adopt its latest desktop OS? I mean the fact that a good number of its previous OS have an issue with the update – all except Windows 10 – could mean the company is not so keen of fine-tuning updates for the aged Windows.

Users reporting their system experiencing problems after receiving the update say they are no longer able to log into their Windows account. Though they do sort of log in, but the Windows immediately grinds to a halt after the sign in.

It seems the PCs affected are running Avast, Avira, McAfee, Arcabit, and Sophos antivirus program. As a temporary address to this problem, Microsoft has placed a temporary freeze on the roll out of the Windows Update.

antivirusMicrosoftWindowsWindows 10