Google’s long-time service Drive app will stop working on both Windows and MacOS come December 11th, 2017. The Drive will be completely shut down on March 12th the following year.
You are therefore being given ample time to change to alternative cloud storage platform when using Windows or MacOS computers. The reasons for Google deprecating the app you have used for years is to encourage you to adopt its new and superior cloud storage app, the Google’s Backup and Sync client.
About the new Google Backup and Sync client
The Google Backup and Sync client is the next step in the evolution of Google Drive for PC and Mac computers. It offers superior integration with the Windows and MacOS ecosystem and offers you a Drive File Stream and Backup and Sync.
The new Drive File Stream works in the same fashion as Microsoft’s OneDrive Place Holders, where you get to see files within the File Explorer app. That is despite the fact the files are not stored locally, but when you click on a particular file, it streams down from your cloud-based Google drive to your computer. Enabling you to work on it locally, and once you’re through, it syncs back into the cloud and frees up space on your local storage.
Aakash Sahney from Google explained this in a March blog post as follows: “You probably keep your most important files and photos in different places; your computer, your phone, various SD cards, and that digital camera you use from time to time.
It can be a challenge to keep all these things safe, backed up, and organized.=, so today, we’re introducing Backup and Sync. It’s a simpler, speedier, and more reliable way to protect the files and photos that mean the most to you. This new tool replaces the existing Google Photos desktop uploader and Drive for Mac/PC.”
To download the new Google’s Backup and Sync client, click here.