Personal Onion Router To Assure Liberty (PORTAL) Can Conceal All Your Internet Traffic

Personal Onion Router To Assure Liberty (PORTAL) Can Conceal All Your Internet Traffic

Security conferences are quite useful to find out what are security threats in our internet usage? They tend to teach how to identify the security lapses and flaws in both hardware and software? They extend valuable knowledge about the ways to avoid security breaches. Whatever kind of user you are, internet security is a prime concern for you.

If you want to stay ahead of the hackers, you need to have the tools to mitigate their attacks. Ryan Lackey from CloudFlare and Marc Rogers from Lookout Security, have shown a simple router-based trick to describe and overcome common security fails.

The tech pair used OPSEC that is a common buzzword used in the security world for describing operational security fails. It could work very well for the benefit of the everyday user. The world of digital security is not simple enough to find easy ways to avoid security breaches. However, a smart router called as the Personal Onion Router to Assure Liberty (PORTAL) is designed in such a way that it provides complete privacy of your internet data. The internet traffic will be completely hidden. However, the router is not intended to hide the activities of hackers. It is designed to save you from their malicious attacks.

The Tor-factor of this newly released system takes the router configuration to higher levels of security. It is better than the conventional VPNs that provide privacy to a great level but not the anonymity. It is well known fact that the security agencies are spying on your emails and other internet traffic. The tech companies are looking to provide secure services to their customers without intervention from agencies like NSA.

The pair of Lackey and Rogers proved the effectiveness of the Tor even today for obscuring the internet traffic. It puts a blanket over your internet against spies and data hackers. PORTAL router is not exactly a piece of hardware that can be obtained. It is a GitHub project. The team is working hard to provide a distributable solution for customers.


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