It would appear U.S. President Barack Obama has already been given the not-to-do list on his July trip to Kenya. This is if the dozens of Kenyans who today held a rally in the streets of Nairobi opposing same-sex marriage. President Obama is a known pro-gay rights activist, and homosexuality is just one of those things the Kenyan society and Africa find to be morally and religiously corrupt.
One of the demonstrators, lawmaker Irungu Kangata while demonstrating outside the Kenya parliament, said:
“We are telling Mr. Obama when he comes to Kenya this month, and he tries to bring the abortion agenda, the gay agenda, we shall tell him to shut up and go home.”
Some of the anti-gay protesters in the streets of Nairobi were wearing T-shirts with slogans that read ‘Protect the family match’ and ‘Stand with the family.’
Gay practices are unchristian and Kenya will not tolerate them ~ @WilliamsRuto
— Nation FM (@NationFMKe) July 6, 2015
On the other end of the homosexuality debate, are the African gay right activists who have called upon President Obama to demonstrate solidarity with them.
Someone tell God-fearing Christian gay haters not accepting of others is ungodly oh, and this
— Victoria Uwonkunda (@Msuwonkunda) July 6, 2015
As much as it remains true that the average Kenyan is opposed to same-sex marriages, the people are more concerned about the serious problems they face resulting out of corruption, insecurity, unemployment and ethnic-based marginalization. These problems are immediately felt and affect the vast majority of Kenyans. Thus, the gay debate should not be used as a means of deflecting attention from the fight against corruption, leaders’ accountability, all-inclusive development, and good governance.
President Obama visit to Kenya will be geared towards reinforcing the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit resolutions on fostering development and entrepreneurship across the continent. He will be attending the 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Summit that will be hosted at the Nairobi UN headquarters in Gigiri starting July 24th – 26th.
Related: Grandma Sara Obama petition President Obama to visit his father’s village, K’Ogelo.