Reasons Why Attention to Your Online Business Presence is More Important Than Ever

While you know that positioning your business presence online matters, do you know how much it matters? The fact is that more and more consumers turn to the Internet to look for what they want. For that reason alone, it’s worth investing more of your time and resources into something that helps to generate the best possible rankings. To do that, you need help from a Toronto organic growth company that can help you tailor your presence to meet the needs of your targeted client base. Here are some of the reasons why paying so much attention to what you have set up online matters.

Consumers Want Quick Results to Searches

With just about everyone walking around with a smartphone these days, there is no waiting to get back to a desktop or laptop in order to look for things online. It can be done on the spot. Along with quick access to searches, consumers today have increasingly less patience with results that take too long to find. Unless your pages are showing up higher in the rankings, they may not be visible before consumers run out of patience and move on.

You increase the chances of ranking higher by offering relevant content, using meta descriptions responsibly and utilizing keywords that directly relate to the consumer searches. If you’re not sure how to do all that, it’s time to call in the experts.

You Have to Generate Interest Within Seconds

Assume your page does show up high in the search engine results. The consumer clicks on the page and begins to read. How long to you think that the consumer will keep reading if the content does not provide information that meets the need? It will only be a couple of seconds before the consumer is off to a different site.

The content on your pages, including the images, must directly speak to the reason the consumer visited in the first place. You have only a few seconds to make the connection and hold his or her attention. Unless you can do that, the opportunity is lost.

Dissatisfied Consumers Don’t Come Back a Second Time

Here’s something else you should realize about consumers who visit once and don’t find what they’re looking for: the odds of them returning are somewhere between slim and none. Just as you may try a restaurant once and find it lacking, there may not be a second chance for redemption. Even worse, the consumer may advise others to not bother with your site, since the initial experience achieved nothing.

Attention to everything from loading times to content determine if people return. While you can’t please everyone, do make the experience a good one for as many visitors as possible. Along with improving the odds that they will be back, you could also end up with some visitors that come your way due to positive word of mouth.

Trust is More Important Than Ever

You have only a little time to cultivate trust with your readers. Do so by providing direct answers, up to date statistics, and information that they can put to good use. Without it, they may never come back.

Consider every element that you add to a page. Step back and try to look at it from a consumer’s point of view. Is it helpful? Does it meet a need? Is it worth coming back for more? If you don’t have a firm “yes” for each of these, the page needs some professional work.

Don’t settle for good pages when you can have great ones. Contact a professional at the

digital marketing Onecore Media agency today and arrange for a full site assessment. You can bet that the results will be worth the time and the effort.

Photo by Karen Neri on Unsplash