Reasons why Mac users will not switch to Windows despite Microsoft’s best effort to spruce up Windows 10

Admittedly, Microsoft has done some pretty fantastic job in improving users’ experience on Windows 10 PCs. The operating system is nowadays more fluid, user-friendly, and easy to work with, but that is just not enough to win over fanatical Apple fans.

However, have you ever wondered why Apple fans would not even consider giving a Windows PC a go unless they really had no other choice. Well, I sought to find just that, and dug through various online platforms, and here is a list of why Mac users will not switch to Windows.

#1 – SWAG

Yes, folks. People are just that full of vanity. Apparently, the Apple brand (read logo) is associated with affluence, connections, smartness, and perhaps even good health. Apple brand has so of a following, almost a cult even, and they have been deemed as the crème de la crème of the society. Naturally, many people want to enter this club, and they are often stopped by the premium price Apple places on its devices.

It is almost like the company has a policy of ‘sell few, but each unit sells expensively’. While the policy for Windows is ‘sell many, with each unit affordable enough’. That policy seems to be working for Apple, as it was recently ranked the world’s most valuable company.

#2 – Retina Display

Who wouldn’t love using a device with a crystal clear and well-lit display? All Apple devices come with impressive display quality. Once you start using a screen such as a retina display, there is no turning back.

#3 – The Deadly Combo: Software + Hardware

The fact that Apple devices run software tailor-made for the hardware goes a long way in ironing out the kinks that might have been there. Unlike Microsoft which mostly makes the OS and avails it to third-party OEMs, Apple devices is built from the ground-up by close supervision by the Cupertino company.

#4 – Super-responsive Touchpad

Windows 10 upper hand only comes in the tablet category where the OS is touchscreen ready. However, while in desktop mode, MacBook’s touchpad easily leaves most PCs in the dust when it comes to touchpad response. When using a MacBook, the touchpad fluid flow and response almost makes you feel like you’re operating a touchscreen device.

#5 – Security:

This point boils down to the game of numbers. As a hacker, you will obviously target the biggest market; and Windows just happen to have many users than macOS. Hence more malicious software are coded targeting Windows users than any other desktop operating system. That is why less popular operating systems like macOS, Linux distros, and ChromeOS are not that often affected by virus and malware concerns.

#5 – Shortcuts:

Some users find macOS to have more shortcuts than Windows; which I think is debatable, but that’s how some feel.

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