How to Record TV Shows and Media Content Without Cable

Cord cutting means no DVR, which means you won’t be able to record your live TV or movies. But worry no more because in this article I will mention some of the best ways to record live TV or movies without a cable connection. If you are using streaming services after cutting the cord and don’t have any DVR services, you can still record whatever you are watching.

Record TV Shows and Media Content Without Cable


TiVo’s live TV DVR is a service that is provided through a small set top box.  This devices offer over 1TB of space. You can record 4 TV shows at once. But TiVo has a hefty price tag of $400. You can also record Netflix movies and other content by syncing their apps with this device. If $400 seems too costly, you can buy an older version of TiVi from Amazon which is available in about $150.


Mediasonic DVR service is the best and cheapest way to record your TV and content. It is available or just $35 and there is no extra fees. The native storage is limited but you can always attach USB devices with Mediasonic.


Using Tablo, you can record any content and then re-watch it over other screens. This DVR service is available for $199. Tablo DUAL OTA DVR has a built-in storage and offers the ability to record two shows at once. Tablo DVR device also comes with a special dongle which turns your Android TV device into a DVR. This dongle has an extra cost of $70.

Channel Master DVR

The Channel Master DVR service allows you to record two TV shows at once. The Channel Master DVR lets you store 16GB of data, but you can also attach additional storage. This service is available for $249.

HDR DVD Recorder

If you don’t like any of the above options, you can try HDR DVD/DVR recorder. This is an old school strategy to record TV shows.


Plex is the best Cloud-based service to record your TV shows and content to rewatch. You can store and watch all your media content on Plex Cloud.

