Remote File Access: How Do VPNs Compare to Desktop Sharing Solutions?

When considering the pros and cons of remote file access, it helps to have a good sense of your options and how remote access works. Simply put, it allows you and your team to have whatever the business needs at your fingertips, anywhere and anytime. Whether it’s files you need or restocking orders, technical support or something else, remote access will catapult your business into this new age of running businesses and organizations. With remote file access, you’re sure to notice an easier workflow.


One of the perks of remote file access is making business operations simpler. It allows vendors, suppliers, employees and other professionals safe and secure access to files, remote support. Virtual private networks are just one option. VPNs use encryption to secure data on the network level, and allows you to access information that is typically beyond a firewall without being behind the firewall. While this can be extremely helpful, VPNs only allow users to access files and information. There is no additional functionality to complement that access. There are also limitations regarding monitoring and audits. And most third-parties will need more than just a VPN to handle their business. Businesses also have to be sure to promptly remove credentials and access codes to ensure data security.  

Desktop Sharing

Desktop sharing in some respects is the solution to the drawbacks of VPNs. There’s no need for credentials on each machine within your business and allows for a user to take over another user’s role as necessary. It’s great for using your local computer with programs that are only available on site. Desktop sharing also allows for better monitoring and recording sessions. On the other hand, desktop sharing isn’t very useful when it comes to database or server support. It also tends to offer less access than a VPN and makes providing 24/7 unattended support nearly impossible.


Modern workplaces require modern solutions, and remote file access is just one of the many ways to modernize your business. Being able to access files anywhere and anytime allows you to leverage a worldwide talent pool. It also equates to more autonomy for your employees. Offering remote file access empowers your employees, which will in turn change the overall morale of your team and spread the workload more evenly. Other side effects to look forward to are increased productivity, efficiency, reliability and up to date information and team members. And because it is a cloud based system, you are likely to notice a difference in your IT costs.

There’s plenty to be said for adding remote file access to the strategies of your business. Of course there are other options, like desktop sharing and VPNs, but some of these aren’t as comprehensive of a solution for the current business climate. Not only will you enjoy a better remote access solution, but both your team and your client base as well. Being able to handle things in a Google search second will hardly go unnoticed.