Women Are Excelling As Chief Digital Officers

Today, only a quarter of computing jobs are held by women. Will this percentage remain, or can something be done to improve this number?

H.O. Maycotte stated in his article, “I remain hopeful. I think we have good reason to anticipate a brighter future for women in technology.”

Despite computing jobs not having many women in the industry, there have been stories in USA Today, about women such as Reshma Saujani, who started Girls Who Code, and Girl’s Scout CEO Anna Maria Chaves, being advocates of STEM education for girls. Because female participation in tech starts at a young age, organizations like STEM make computing interesting and fun, so that young girls begin thinking about getting into the career.

According to Maycotte, women are excelling in the position of Chief Digital Officer. It is the one field, in fact, where women have outpaced men by two to one. Rachel Haot, for example, is the CDO for New York State, and received CDO of the Year in 2014, given by the CDO Club. Another example is Julie Bernstein, who is not only CDO of Sephora but also holds the position of CMO.

The fact that women are emerging in the CDO role is encouraging enough to spark change in the tech industry for women. Inspiring young girls to pursue a career in technology and computing continues to make a difference.

To read the full article, go to Forbes.com.

female entrepreneursWomen In BusinessWomen in CareerWomen in Leadership