Roundup of Kenyan Techies Innovations geared at improvement of Healthcare Services

As we draw closer to 2017, Innov8tiv has taken the pains of rounding up the best tech innovations springing up in Kenya and meant for the betterment of healthcare standards and service provisions.

Ø Medicalcare

This app works like Uber, but instead of bringing a taxi right to your doorstep. Medicalcare brings ambulances in the events you need quick transportation to a health care facility during emergencies. The app is the work of Victor Abedi, a first-year student at the Technical University of Kenya taking journalism. To use the app, you just key in your locations (as you do when calling for Uber taxi) and the app using Google Maps will bring up locations of nearest ambulances near you. You call the nearest one to come to your rescue. You pay the fee once the patient is admitted to the hospital.

Ø Nawiri

Founded by a 22-year-old nutritionist Lavender Anyango Ayodi, Nawiri is a Swahili word for ‘flourish’. As the name suggest, this app helps users live a flourishing life. Particularly diet-conscious users who watch what they eat. The app automatically calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI) when you key in your height and weight. The app is particularly useful to individuals managing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by giving the patient their proper meals and nutrition options.

Ø Hospital

Developed by a Moi University computer science graduate Phenic Kwamboka, the app helps patient book reservations at hospitals. It is especially useful for patients living in remote regions who have to travel a long distance to get health care services only to find the doctors fully booked and have to come back at another day. With this app, patients can first make an appointment, so that when they do make the long journey, they get served and not sent away and told to come back another day.

Ø Dietwatch

Developed by a computer science graduate from the Moi University Valarie Kimuge. Valarie innovation solves the problem most people have with going to the doctor; most do not visit health care facilities until they fall sick. Only a handful of individuals go for a regular checkup, especially when they are feeling okay. Dietwatch measures the user’s BMI and gives them a list of food varieties they should take to avoid developing chronic health conditions.

These are some of the many innovations Kenya techies contributed towards healthcare industry. The apps are already available for download from the Play Store to your Android devices.

KenyaMedical Techmobile apps