Safaricom Guardian App – Giving You Parental Control Over Your Child’s Smartphone

Safaricom Guardian App – Giving You Parental Control Over Your Child’s Smartphone

According to Kaspersky Lab Senior Security Researcher, David Emm, parents are more ignorant on the lurking dangers to their child’s safety when using the internet on their smartphone and tablet as they are with PCs. He said, “When children use mobile devices to access the web, they are using the same internet, with the same risks… There is a common misconception that smartphones and tablets don’t need the same level of protection as PC”.

The use of smartphones and tablet have become quite popular among children, but it appears parents are less cautious about their kids online activities while on their smartphones than when they are on PCs. This leaves children vulnerable to cyber bullying, exposure to explicit online materials, indulges in naughty behavior through use of camera recording function on their smartphones among others.

To address this problem, Safaricom the leading telecom in Kenya has come up with an innovative app that will enable parents monitor and control their kids’ activities while on their smartphones and tablets. Dubbed the Guardian Application, it is available for free download from the Safaricom App Store. With this app, parents will be able to:

  • Select who can call your kid and how long the call should last.
  • Protect your child from unwanted SMS and determine the times they can receive SMS.
  • Block or restrict phone features like Bluetooth, camera, internet, apps or calling.
  • It comes with safeguard app that will unable your child to download, install and use certain apps.
  • The Guardian app will notify you if your child uninstalls the app on the phones.
  • Easy to install and configure the app by the parents and doesn’t require much technical knowledge.
  • With the app, you can easily get supporting help.
  • Prevents parents from getting bill shocks or the child rapidly exhausting his/her airtime.

With the Safaricom Guardian app, parents can now extend PC Parental Control security to their kids’ smartphones and tablets. Parents should also educate their children on responsible use of these devices; especially on accessing contents that might be harmful to them.

Cyber BullyingCybercrimesGuardian ApplicationKenyaSafaricomSafaricom App Store