Before the advent of digital TV across Africa, many countries such as Kenya was awash with counterfeits knock-off mobile phones from China. The phones came with gigantic specs but had quite the mediocre performance.
Talk about a phone with triple-SIM cards slots, dual microSD slot, dual and sometimes triple LED torch lamps. The icing on the cake was the analog TV tuner that came built in the phones. These phones came with imitative names such as Nokla, a strategic name meant to dupe users into thinking it is a Nokia phone. You would be surprised just how many people woke around with this knock-off Nokia-wanna-be thinking it is the real deal.
However, all that changed when the Communication Authority (CA) of Kenya in collaboration with the telecoms. They carried out a crackdown of fake phones and turning off cellular services for all counterfeit phones. The final nail in the counterfeit phones coffin was hit with the switching off of analogue TV signals and replaced by the digital television.
Samsung Galaxy J2 DTV
Well, if you miss watching TV on your mobile phone. Because counterfeit phones were running out of town, and digital TV is a recently introduced thing in the market. You will be happy to know that the South Korean tech giant Samsung has got you covered.
As a variant of its Samsung Galaxy J2 model, the company has a newer model with digital TV capacity, the Samsung Galaxy J2 DTV. The Galaxy J2 DTV is similar in all ways to the Galaxy J2, but it has an additional digital TV capability. Its features are:
4.7-inch Display, 1.3GHz Exynos 3457 Quad-Core chip, 1GB RAM, 8GB ROM, 5MP rear camera, 2,000mAh battery, Android 5.1.1 with TouchWiz and the typical connectivity options; LTE, W-CDMA, and GSM.
Both the Galaxy J2 and Galaxy J2 DTV share the above features, but the latter gives you the ability to watch digital TV while on the go.
Why stream TV when you can watch it for free?
The catch with the Galaxy J2 DTV is to avoid those (sometimes) costly internet mobile data charges from your service provider. As it works out, it seems the phone maker and telecoms are operating like cartels. In markets like the United States, people can listen to free music from FM stations on their phones; despite the fact their devices have the capacity.
Apparently streaming TV on your phone makes more money for your service provider, so you having a digital TV enabled mobile devices is bad business for them. They collude with regulators and phone makers to disable such features so they can keep making money out of you.