Hope Your Ready! Samsung Galaxy S5 To Be Revealed This Month

In the battle of the supremacy of the smartphone industry, big player Samsung is expected to release its new flagship carrier Galaxy S5 in a ceremony that is going to be held later this month on the  24th  of February 2014. The invitations to this ceremony have been already sent out and the invites specifically refer a lot to a word 5 which to our eyes could mean only the much anticipated next generation S5. The venue for this event is going to be the mobile world congress in Barcelona, Spain. Last year in a controversial style, S4 was released in a Broadway style ceremony, however this time around they are not expected to announce it in a mega event.

The event curiously named “unpacked 5” is scheduled at 2pm Eastern Standard Time and it is going to be live streamed for all those who can’t attend it in person. Samsung spokespersons have said that they aren’t going to tell what unpacked 5 means resulting in further speculations regarding it. If Samsung indeed launches its new carrier, it will be a crucial point in the company’s recent endeavors because of the mixed response faced by the previous S4 in the global smartphone market as well as missed targets in its recent financial results.

The previous S3 and S2 were global best sellers but the S4 wasn’t a true world-wide phenomenon although it did perform reasonably well. Last year, the overhype and also the grand launch didn’t help much with the sales of S4 so this time unpacked 5 is going to be rather subdued and less theatrical in nature. A Samsung person also said that another factor was that the S4 and S3 were similar so the company has planned to go back to the basics and improve it at that level. Can’t wait for it to unveil, can you?

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