SanDisk 400GB – The world’s gadzilla MicroSD Card

MicroSD card maker, SanDisk has certainly outdone themselves and while at it broke the world record by releasing a 400GB card. It is the biggest capacity MicroSD card the world has ever seen thus far, and it will be officially unveiled at the IFA in Berlin this week. 

The SanDisk 400GB certainly towers over any other microSD card out there in the market. However, it comes at such a time when local storage is almost getting obsolete. Especially, when you consider the convenience that comes with cloud storage, and how tech companies are colluding to have you streaming your movies and music instead of storing it locally. 

Nonetheless, having a 400GB storage in a fingernail-sized memory card is so freaking cool. Not forgetting, it is almost three times the size of storage that comes with entry-level MacBook Pro computers. When you think about it that way, you immediately start getting excited thinking about you will no longer consider onboard storage capacity in your next computer or smartphone purchase. 

The level of ingenuity and state-of-the-art technology that went into squeezing 400 GB storage space into a device not much bigger than a fingernail; simply mind boggling. It certainly marks a new milestone achievement in nanotechnology development, but that something the average consumer will let the geeks marvel upon. Perhaps you are the type that is just amazed at the amount of stuff you can store in there:

That is 400,000 e-book each having an average size of 1MB

100,000 iTunes song each being 4MB in size and about 4-minutes long song

88 Full HD movies on iTunes each being about 4.5GB

16 Blu-Rays each being about 25GB 

Now compare that with what we are used to; the 32GB microSD cards that hold a maximum of 7 Full HD iTunes movies, 16,000 photos, and 8,000 songs. 

The SanDisk 400GB microSD card unseats the previous world record holder of 256GB; certainly, a massive leap in nano-storage technology development. It might be important to note the last world record was set just two years ago, and the 400GB limit has been reached perhaps impressively too fast. 

This development could also not be at a more opportune time; when camera phones and traditional cameras are getting better. They have 4K and Full HD recording abilities, which consume a lot of storage space. 

Must Read; Sony launches world’s fastest MicroSD Card

MicroSD CardSanDisk