Sauti and Famalia from Kenya won the 2016 Innovating Justice Awards

Kenya’s Sauti and Famalia emerged winners of the 7th annual Innovating Justice Forum. The final leg of the competition took place last year at The Hague; 2016 Innovating Justice Awards.

After calls for application, a period of vetting then voting by a panel of experts, followed by local boot camps. Eight startups from six countries in Africa were chosen to take part in the Family Justice Challenge and the SME Empowerment Challenge finalists.

The final pitch was in front of an international audience made up of investors, innovators, justice leaders, politicians, and entrepreneurs. It is at this final pitch that Kenya’s Sauti and Famalia emerged as the overall winners.

Sauti: A mobile platform that trades information and social accountability between SMEs dealing in cross-border trading within the East Africa Community. Sauti won the SME Empowerment Challenge category.

Famalia: A legal information platform that runs purely on SMS. It won the Family Justice Challenge category.

Sauti and Famalia will share the €160,000 prize award with the Dutch Legal Challenge and General Legal Tech.

HagueHiiL Innovating JusticeKenya