#ScienceAfrica Unconference Generation Science: empowering Africa’s future

The Planet Earth Institute (PEI) #ScienceAfrica UnConference is back and this year it’s bigger and better than ever! Entitled ‘Generation Science: Empowering Africa’s future scientific leaders’. The conference will be bringing together over 200 delegates from business, academia, policy and civil society for an exciting day of expert panel discussions, interactive working groups and participant-led workshops.

In the context of Africa’s well documented ‘youth bulge’, we’ll be challenging delegates to help us explore and find new ways to create high-quality, industry relevant STEM education and training for young Africans.

Attendees will also explore how to equip the continent’s next generation of business, political, and academic leaders with the hard and soft skills required to drive much needed socio-economic transformation and anticipate the needs of industries of the future.

This conference will challenge delegates explore and find new ways to:

Create high quality, industry relevant STEM education and training for young Africans

Engage young people in the policy dialogues that will shape their lives

Collaborate with and anticipate the needs of the businesses and industries of the future

Harness and exploit new technologies to strengthen and promote higher education institutions, their staff, students, and research

Build the human capacity and STEM skills-base so that African challenges and opportunities can be addressed by African-led solutions.


Wednesday, September 14th 2016 from 9:00 AM to 6:30 PM (BST) – Add to Calendar


Kensington Town Hall – Hornton Street, London, W8 7NX, United Kingdom – View Map

For more details on the more topics that will be discussed, and who will be there. Have a look at the:

#ScienceAfrica Unconference Generation Science: empowering Africa’s future brochure [PDF]

PEIScienceAfrica UnConference