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How to Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Phone

by Fahad Saleem

How to Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows Phone

It is difficult for users of Windows on PC and smartphones to unlock screen again and again to view the notifications from various apps.  Microsoft has eased out this process for you by allowing the notifications to appear right on your lock screen, under the date and time on your device. You can have a quick look at your emails, texts, updates, and events. The notifications await your acknowledgement without having to unlock your device and opening the apps.

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The only issue with viewing the lock screen notifications is that you are limited with the number of apps that can prompt notifications. On Windows, you are limited to seven apps, and on Windows Phone, you have the option of choosing at most five apps for receiving notifications on the lock screen. Some apps are enabled by default for throwing the notifications on the lock screen. You run out of choices for showing notifications from your desired apps as a result. This article will show you how to set lock screen notifications in Windows Mobile, Windows 8, and Windows 10 and as you desire.

Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows Mobile

Follow the steps if you want to show the notifications from your chosen apps on the lock screen of Windows Phone 8.

  • First of all, you need to go to Settings->Lock Screen.
  • You will see two sections there: “Choose an app to show detailed status”, and “Choose apps to show quick status”. You should go for the first option for the apps like Calendar since it will show you the detailed information about the apps you select.

Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8

  • Tap the drop down box underneath and choose the apps you desire.
  • The second option in the Lock Screen settings would be good for the apps like emails, social media accounts, and other apps that will tell you that something has been updated. You can open the apps when you get free.
  • You can choose up to five apps here. You need to tap any of the boxes for choosing apps. Their order will show the position in which they appear on the Lock Screen.

Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8 and Windows 10

Windows 8 and Windows 10 contain the similar sort of lock screen functionality as Windows Phone. However, you can choose up to seven Lock Screen apps. Follow the steps for setting up the Lock Screen.

  • Launch the Charms bar, and then select Settings.
  • Choose “Change PC Settings”.
  • Click Lock screen on the Personalization screen. You will see a section, called as Lock Screen apps.

Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8

  • You will see the similar options as the Windows Phone here. You can choose apps for showing the detailed information as well as the quick information.

Set Lock Screen Notifications in Windows 8

  • In Windows, you can also choose to show apps for showing alarms. This choice takes one out of your seven choices of apps. You can snooze or dismiss the alarm right from your lock screen without having to login.

You are now in a good position to set Lock Screen notifications in windows mobile  in any manner you desire. Receive notifications right on your Lock Screen and stay updated even when you are busy.


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