Six Disney Plus Tips to Make Your Streaming Fantastic

You must have heard of Disney Plus. It is an online platform, a collection of thousands of Disney movies and shows, documentaries, Pixar, Star Wars, Marvel content, and much more.

The number of users and the amount of content available online is growing continuously. Over the last few years, the Disney Plus subscriber list has seen robust growth.

Just in the first quarter of 2022, around 130 million subscribers were reported. By the end of the third quarter, this number will surpass 152 million subscribers.

Whether you watch Disney Plus with ExpressVPN (the best VPN service) or you can access it otherwise, there is loads of content and features that you can explore and enjoy. Today, we have compiled the most effective tips and tricks that will improve your Disney+ streaming experience – or these tips will make it fantastic.

Can’t Access Disney Plus? Use VPN

Are you outside the US, traveling, or residing somewhere that doesn’t allow access to Disney Plus? The solution is to use a good VPN service such as ExpressVPN. This VPN service is among the best around the globe and provides unmatched internet surfing and streaming experience.

6 Disney Plus Tips That Will Make Your Streaming Experience Fantastic

Do you want to get the most out of your Disney+ subscription? Follow these tricks and tips to get the best results and a streaming experience that will make you go wow.

Pay Less, Get More

Does this not sound fantastical? Well, believe me, it is not. Disney Plus is appropriately priced as compared to other famous services. But with the discounts on offer, you can get up to 6 months of FREE watch time with all the amazing features and functions.

That is not it. Disney Plus also offers other bundle packages as well, where for a minimum amount, you can get ESPN Plus, Disney Plus, and Hulu – all for you with unlimited content to consume. There is news of a more affordable version rolling out soon, but only time will tell more about it.

Create Your Own Watchlist

Do you casually search and find movies that you might want to watch later? Disney Plus allows you to create your own watchlist. Whether you have to rewatch them or you have had them on your (imaginary) watchlist, Disney+ watchlist can store them all.

To create a watchlist, all you will have to do is to tap the plus (+) icon placed right next to the play button. From there, you can watch everything you want to watch – it stays there unless you have watched it and decide to remove it.

Download Content (the best)

What if you don’t have internet access and you have a good amount of time to consume some content, such as watching an amazing show on Disney Plus or an informative documentary on your favorite topic? With Disney Plus, you can easily download the content and watch it later.

All you have to do is to press the downward arrow icon () while you have an active internet connection, and the movies and shows will be downloaded. This way, you can enjoy them later whenever you want to. Also, you just have to use your account once a month, and you will be able to download everything you want.

Easily Share Links

How often do you find shareable links with streaming apps? Disney Plus allows its users to share the content URLs (links) that can be opened within the app. So, whenever you need to share your favorite shows with your friends and family, you can easily do that.

To share a link, all you have to do is to go to that episode or movie, play the video and copy the URL – this URL can now be shared with anyone you want to, and with an active Disney+ subscription, they can open the link and enjoy the content you have shared.

Request Multiple Shows

There is always a chance that there might be a TV show or a movie that isn’t available on Disney+. Not to worry, because you can always request your desired content, and it will be considered and added to the ever-growing video content library.

Just go to the Disney+ Help Center, tap Give Feedback, and select Request a Film or Show. Users can request or suggest three titles at the time of each request. Usually, if a show gets multiple requests, it gets added quickly.

Search With More Control

Don’t you remember the exact movie or show title? No worries, with Disney+, you can do a half-hearted search and find your intended piece of content. You can also navigate through multiple categories to help refine the search and ease the process.

You can also use the Explore feature to get the ideal result. You can also find complete collections in one place so that you can watch whatever you want without having to wander inside the app. The effective search features on the app make it easier for everyone to search for their favorite show or movie.

The Bottom Line

You are just a few steps away from becoming a Disney Plus power user. The above-mentioned tips and tricks make it easy for everyone to use the app and the oh-so-amazing features make this an ideal streaming platform.

Do you think these features will make your streaming experience fantastic? Well, they will.